Thursday, 29 September 2016

PNG contemporary cultural dances in modern day - Is our cultural dances and traditional attires dying out slowly or are they changing?

PAPUA New Guinea is a country of more than 840 different tribes. Their cultures are distinctively so unique and different from each other. They speak completely different languages but they are Papua New Guineans - one nation. The cultural diversity is a pride to Papua New Guineans and each year on the 16th of September, they gather to celebrate the country's independence.

They sing and dance to the chants of their own, in their own languages, more than 840 different languages.

The year 2016 brought the nation its 41 independence. Again they dance and chant to celebrate the day. Over the years, the cultural dances, its chants and traditional attires have changed. This is an indication that the country is losing some of its traditional cultures and dances. 

In the selections of random photographs below, you will notice some changes in the way the girls from Enga (one of the provinces in Papua New Guinea) have dressed. Modern dressing elements are evident their traditional dressing. Take this as an example of the other 840 cultures of PNG which are changing.

Its PNG Contemporary Culture! Are we loosing the traditional values? Are we changing too fast?

Happy viewing!

Engan girls at Ela Beach for the 41 independence celebrations.

 Photo: Nangu Gomo, 16th Sept 2016.

Girls from Kandep in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. Picture taken by Sharon during the 33rd PNG Independence Anniversary celebration. 2008. 

From Porgera Enga province in Papua New Guinea during the 33rd independence anniversary celebration on 16th September, 2008. Image: Mathew Yakai blog

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Wednesday, 22 September 2010.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Wednesday, 22 September 2010. 

Enga young at the Enga Cultural Show, 2014. Image: Supplied. 

Engan young girl in 2012. Photo: supplied.

St. Peter's Primary School students in Port Moresby on the 38th independence celebrations in 2013. Photo: Port Moresby blog

St. Peter's Primary School students in Port Moresby on the 38th independence celebrations in 2013. Photo: Port Moresby blog

Engan girls at Ela Beach for the 41 independence celebrations.
 Photo: Nangu Gomo, 16th Sept 2016.

Where you find PNG on the map - the world's second largest island!

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