Sunday, 31 July 2016

School organized cultural festival hails a success in Port Moresby

THE Don Bosco Technical Institute in Port Moresby has successfully organized a cultural festival on Saturday, 30/07/2016. 
The event was hosted by the Institute and residents in Port Moresby who just love cultural shows turned up in numbers. Well over 20 singsing groups and other entertainments showcased. 
With the theme of the year “Bungim Pasin Tumbuna wantime Bel Isi” (Uniting Culture with Peace) youths proudly participated in their respective cultural dances. Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016.
 The cultural show is staged every two years at Don Bosco and for this year (2016) the theme is “Bungim Pasin Tumbuna wantime Bel Isi” (Uniting Culture with Peace).
The School’s Principal Fr Ariel Macatangay believes that through this cultural show and the theme, students will become more sensitive and respectful towards each other and understand each other’s differences.He said cultural shows are very important among the younger generation these days as we remind them of their culture and origin in this modern world.
PNG Highlands youngsters take a moment to participate for the theme “Bungim Pasin Tumbuna wantime Bel Isi” (Uniting Culture with Peace) at Don Bosco Techinical Institute in Port Moresby. Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016. 
“The school’s cultural show has gained momentum over the years and for this year’s show, we are seeing over 20 singsing groups which shows that students still value their culture despite the influence of technology among our young people” said Fr Macatangay.
Meanwhile it is understood that the funds raised by the cultural show will go towards the school projects planned for this year (2016).
Students performing at Don Bosco Technical Institute, Port Moresby.  Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016. 
A group of students who performed their cultural item at the show, takes a break.  Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016. 

Student traditional dancers from Central Province pose for a photograph.  Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016.  
Swing in the beat. Students performing their traditional beat at the heat of the sun.  Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016. 

Two female students whom have performed in the heat of the sun taking a break.  Image Credit: David Susuve/Facebook/July 2016.   
Source: David Susuve/NAUFM NEWS/Port Moresby/July, 2016.

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